I've been stitching away, sewing beads onto paper which is affixed onto whatever fabric I've got lying around.
My most recent pieces:
I am pleased with all three, especially the top one, which even feels nice. Well, they all do haha. The bottom left I like in theory but I think it needs to be larger in order to reach 'wow' levels. The bottom right... The dark beads are too much, imo, I think a midnight blue would be perfect but I don't want to buy more beads when I've got so many already.
BTW - what do you think the bottom right is meant to be? Will it surprise you to learn that the image I copied was actually Chinese lanterns hanging on a cherry-blossom-type tree? But I changed the colour scheme due to the colours and size beads I had, so the brown branches became green and it looks like a Christmas tree with baubles on it, doesn't it? Oh well, either one gives a pleasant enough image! I may have to buy some white beads for plain backgrounds. Or cream. Something not as stark as white.
Current work is:
Now I'm following the 'master' pattern as opposed to drawing the pattern out on each paper I stitch onto. It saves an awful lot of time. Even copying it from the image online onto the squared paper takes a good couple of hours. And despite realising that the silver-y beads and the pale green ones don't contrast well in a previous pattern, I'm using them side-by-side again in this one. 🙄😬🤔🫥
I've also been ploughing on with the knitted scarf that I must've started knitting a year ago.. I'll post a photo of it on Instagram @liulinglinguk
Thanks so much for your time in reading this,