It's been slow on the creative and crochet front this week again. While it hasn't been anywhere near as stressful as the last few weeks, my head has been catching up with itself. I only have 3.5 more weeks left of my temporary job contract and I'm really hoping it'll be quiet - or at least quieter than Oct & Nov.

Above is this week's lonesome rose, my only crochet effort and so far the only cream with a hint of orange rose I've crocheted.
But, exciting news! I will be featured in St Helen's Church online Christmas craft market I believe this means that for a day they will feature me on their Instagram account @Sthelens_christmasiscoming and/or @sthelensbishopsgate I *think* they feature a different stallholder each day on their Instagram. Who knows if I'll make any sales but I am really very happy with the free exposure, especially if it means people will keep me in mind for the future.

Earlier today St Helen's emailed me the draft post(s) they will feature for each stallholder. It was/is really cool being part of a craft lineup! I will definitely be sharing their posts on Instagram this week, there is a variety of goods such as aprons, preserves, decorations, purses (ahem) so do check out the individual stallholders as you may find that special Christmas present you've been looking for!
Hoping it's a good week for you,